Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.


The time has come! After more than 30 years of software development at MathWorks, I have decided to retire. Friday, March 29, will be my last day.

For 18 of those 30 years, I’ve been writing here (600 posts!) about image processing and MATLAB. I am grateful to all of you who have been following along.

Here are few highlights.

Some favorite deep dives:

The story behind the default MATLAB image

Best invented term, “neighbor indexing”

Most controversial topics:

Favorite comment thread, image processing in the movies

Some favorite graphics:

I want to mention a couple of people that I have worked with for most of my time at MathWorks. Roy and I have been sharing deep thoughts about MATLAB and technical computing for 25 years or so, and he has helped me at many points along my career. Ned played a key role in establishing this technical blogging space at, and he has been a never-failing source of inspiration and encouragement. Thanks, guys!

Thanks to Loren, who hired me and taught me how to be a MathWorker and a toolbox developer. Thanks to Michelle, my collaborator for a decade of coaching teams about MATLAB design. Thanks to Cleve, who taught me to use sparse backslash and so many other things about MATLAB. And thanks to Jack, who created and still guides this amazing company and who taught me how to think about design.

Finally, I’d like to give a shout-out to the MathWorkers who learned about MATLAB and image processing with the help of this blog. I have met and heard from many of you recently, and I appreciate hearing your stories.

Look for me hanging around the MATLAB community (File Exchange, Answers, and Discussions); here is my new community profile. Also, follow my writing about MATLAB at and about music and French horn at

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