MATLAB Documentation Center search
I really like the search feature in the new (beta version) MATLAB Documentation Center. (You need a login to access the beta doc center.)
I wanted quicker access to it, so I made myself a Firefox "keyword" bookmark. Now I can get there by just typing a keyword and a search term in the Firefox location bar, like this:
Here's how you do it (in Firefox 3.6). First, select Bookmarks / Organize Bookmarks. Then right-click on a bookmarks location in the dialog and select New Bookmark. You'll get a dialog that looks something like this:
Here's the complete string you type in for Location:
The keyword field is the first thing you'll type into the Firefox location bar. You can choose anything you like for this. After you save the new bookmark, type in "matlabdoc searchterm" into the location bar to go directly to a doc center search result. Here's a screen shot of the search result for "polynomial".
You get links to a couple of examples, as well as several relevant function reference pages.
If you're looking for something in particular, the search refinement boxes on the left can really help.
I'm eager for more of our products to "move in" to the doc center. I encourage you to give it a try. Please look for the "We want your feedback" link to let us know what you think.
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