Bug reports on mathworks.com – “Fixed in R2012a”
Do you want to know what bugs have been fixed in R2012a for your favorite products? Are you looking for a workaround for a bug? Try visiting the "Bug Reports" section of mathworks.com.
Start by clicking on Support.
Then click on Bug Reports.
To find out which bugs have been fixed in R2012a in the Image Processing Toolbox, for example, perform the following search:
Here's the result:
This icon:
means that there is a way to work around the problem if you are using an earlier release.
I want to mention the iradon issue in particular and acknowledge Bob Alvarez, who called our attention to it with a blog comment last July. (However, you should generally report product bugs directly to MathWorks technical support rather than posting them as comments on this or other MATLAB Central blogs. My usual practice is to delete comments that aren't directly relevant to the topic of the blog post.)
We are, of course, continually trying to improve the quality of our products and therefore reduce the need for published bug reports.
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