Happy Birthday, Cleve!
I just got back from a huge MathWorks party to celebrate Cleve Moler's 75th birthday. Cleve created the original MATLAB back in the late 1970s and then joined with Jack Little to cofound MathWorks in 1984.
At the party, we learned that Cleve is the winner of the 2014 IEEE John von Neumann Medal, which is awarded for outstanding achievements in computer-related science and technology.
Happy Birthday and Congratulations, Cleve! I've learned more just by working in the same hallway as you than in much of my formal education. Thanks for being so generous in sharing your knowledge and experience with so many of us for so many years.
Readers, be sure to check out Cleve's blog. Or listen to Cleve describe the three decades of mathematicians, computers, and technology (and a LINPACK license plate!) that led to the creation of MATLAB.
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