Student Lounge

Sharing technical and real-life examples of how students can use MATLAB and Simulink in their everyday projects #studentsuccess

搜索结果: Math Modeling

Differential Equations Modeling with MATLAB – SCUDEM

Joining us today is Wesley Hamilton, who is a STEM Outreach Engineer here at MathWorks. Wesley will talk about SIMIODE’s SCUDEM competition. Wesley, over to you…
This blog post has… 更多内容 >>

You’ve Got to be Modeling Me: Analysis of Past Submissions

Joining us today is Keshav Patel, who is a NSF Graduate Research Fellow at University of Utah. He was a part of the team that finished as runners-up in the 2015 MathWorks Math Modeling Challenge… 更多内容 >>

You’ve Got to be Modeling Me 1

Joining us today is Wesley Hamilton, who is a STEM Outreach Engineer here at MathWorks. Wesley will talk about tackling the 2019 MathWorks Math Modeling Challenge (M3C) problem. Wesley, over to… 更多内容 >>

Where Are They Now? – Christopher Musco, New York University

Today we’re talking to Christopher Musco who previously competed in the MathWorks Math Modeling Challenge and is now an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at New York… 更多内容 >>

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