Golden Spiral
A Golden Spiral is simulated by a continuously expanding sequence of golden rectangles and inscribed quarter circles.
Golden Rectangles
We begin with an animated .gif of an imitation Golden Spiral. You can see that removing a square from a golden rectangle leaves a smaller rectangle with the same shape. Connecting inscribed quarter circles produces a continuously expanding spiral. The aspect ratio of the rectangles is the golden ratio.
A MATLAB function for generating these expanding golden rectangles and quarter circles is given at the end of this blog post, but this is not a true Golden Spiral.
True Golden Spiral
A logarithmic spiral is a curve given in polar coordinates by
The angular coordinate θ must be multi-valued as the point circles around the origin multiple times. We get the particular logarithmic spiral known as the Golden Spiral by involving the golden ratio and setting
Then the radius is scaled powers of ϕ, with integer powers as θ crosses the cartesian axes.
Here is the plot for 0≤θ≤2π.
I do not see any obvious analytic way to specify the scale factor α. By taking α = 1.48699214 the numeric values generated by the logarithmic Golden Spiral approach those generated by golden rectangles and inscribed quarter circles as the angle θ gets large.
function golden_spiral % GOLDEN_SPIRAL Explosion of golden rectangles. % GOLDEN_SPIRAL Constructs a continuously expanding sequence % of golden rectangles and inscribed quarter circles.
% Copyright 2013 Cleve Moler % Copyright 2013 The MathWorks, Inc.
% Initialize_variables
% Golden ratio phi = (1+sqrt(5))/2;
% Control speed of zoom n = 256; f = phi^(1/n);
% Scaling a = 1; s = phi; t = 1/(phi+1);
% Centers x = 0; y = 0;
% A square us = [-1 1 1 -1 -1]; vs = [-1 -1 1 1 -1];
% Four quarter circles theta = 0:pi/20:pi/2; u1 = 2*cos(theta) - 1; v1 = 2*sin(theta) - 1; u2 = 2*cos(theta+pi/2) + 1; v2 = 2*sin(theta+pi/2) - 1; u3 = 2*cos(theta+pi) + 1; v3 = 2*sin(theta+pi) + 1; u4 = 2*cos(theta-pi/2) - 1; v4 = 2*sin(theta-pi/2) + 1;
% Loop
k = 0; while get(klose,'value') == 0 if mod(k,n) == 0 power switch mod(k/n,4) case 0, right case 1, up case 2, left case 3, down end end zoom k = k+1; end pause(1) close(gcf)
% ------------------------------------
function power a = s; s = phi*s; t = phi*t; end % power
% ------------------------------------
function zoom axis(f*axis) drawnow end % zoom
% ------------------------------------
function right x = x + s; y = y + t; line(x+a*us,y+a*vs,'color','black') line(x+a*u4,y+a*v4) end % right
% ------------------------------------
function up y = y + s; x = x - t; line(x+a*us,y+a*vs,'color','black') line(x+a*u1,y+a*v1) end % up
% ------------------------------------
function left x = x - s; y = y - t; line(x+a*us,y+a*vs,'color','black') line(x+a*u2,y+a*v2) end % left
% ------------------------------------
function down y = y - s; x = x + t; line(x+a*us,y+a*vs,'color','black') line(x+a*u3,y+a*v3) end % down
% ------------------------------------
function initialize_graphics clf reset set(gcf,'color','white','menubar','none','numbertitle','off', ... 'name','Golden Spiral') shg axes('position',[0 0 1 1]) axis(3.5*[-1 1 -1 1]) axis square axis off line(us,vs,'color','black') line(u3,v3) klose = uicontrol('units','normal','position',[.04 .04 .12 .04], ... 'style','toggle','string','close','vis','on'); drawnow end % initialize graphics
end % golden_spiral
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