Posts 1 - 10 of 129

Results for: Fun

A Sixty-Year Old Program for Predicting the Future 2

The graphics in my post about R^2 were produced by an updated version of a sixty-year old program involving the U.S. census. Originally, the program was based on census data from 1900 to 1960 and sought to predict the population in 1970. The software back then was written in Fortran, the predominate technical programming language a half century ago. I have updated the MATLAB version of the program so that it now uses census data from 1900 to 2020.... read more >>

Closest Pair of Points Problem

The Closest Pair of Points problem is a standard topic in an algorithms course today, but when I taught such a course fifty years ago, the algorithm was not yet known.... read more >>

Exponential Fitting, Separable Least Squares, and Quahogs 1

We have been investigating a recent bug report about fitnlm, the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox function for robust fitting of nonlinear models.... read more >>

Season’s Greetings 1

Season's Greeings Get the MATLAB code (requires JavaScript) Published with MATLAB®... read more >>

Bouncing Bucky Ball at Flipbook Mini Hack

The 2023 MATLAB Central Flipbook Mini Hack contest runs from November 6 until December 3. Over 200 entries have been submitted in the first two weeks.... read more >>

Exploring Matrices Exercises

Try you hand at a few exercises involving Exploring Matrices.... read more >>

Special Notice 2

Special Notice If you have been following my posts about Wordle, be sure to see the puzzle in today's New York Times, Tuesday, April 4.Get the MATLAB code (requires JavaScript) ... read more >>

My Chat with Ernie, a Chinese Chat Bot 3

I recently had an opportunity to chat with Ernie, the Large Language Model currently under development at the Chinese internet search giant, Baidu. As I expected, Ernie's responses are in Chinese. I don't speak Chinese, so I have asked Google Translate for the response in English.... read more >>

Three Wordle Assistants 3

When I tackle a Wordle puzzle, I like to make all the key decisions myself. My three assistants set up puzzles and suggest words when I ask for help, but I guide the actual solution. My assistants also make it possible for me to play Wordle anywhere, anytime, even when my laptop is in airplane mode. I don't need the New York Times or access to the Web.... read more >>

Wordle Sneak Previews 3

Wordle Sneak PreviewsThe Web sites that are claiming to have advance knowledge of the daily Wordle answer have become unreliable, so I am closing my sneak preview business. Get the MATLAB... read more >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 129