MATLAB Community

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So many demos, so little time

If your looking for a quick way to come up to speed on new features, a new release or even a functional area, I highly recommend you take a look at the MATLAB demo videos available on the web and linked to from the MATLAB Help Browser. With the release of MATLAB 7.7 (R2008b) drawing nigh, I figured this would be a good time to remind everyone of this great resource.

To bring up the demos, start MATLAB, press the Help menu item and select Product Help. After the help browser pops up, select the Demos tab:

Alternatively, you can browse the demos directly from the web.

In this YouTube age we live in, watching videos is so apropos! Here are some videos I recommend checking out:

Development Environment updates in 7.6 (R2008a)
Object-Oriented Programming
Developing Code Rapidly with Cells
Publishing from the Editor
Doug’s MATLAB Video Tutorials (the newest member in our MATLAB blog family)

When the MATLAB 7.7 is released, we’ll post a run-down of many of the new features and I’ll be sure we include links to the demos.

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