MATLAB Community

MATLAB, community & more

Posts 21 - 30 of 51

結果: 2009

More dialogs than you can shake a stick at 6

I’m going to continue my dialog discussion from two weeks ago with more of the MATLAB dialog gallery. I feel a bit like a car salesman, we’ve got so many dialogs to choose from…. 続きを読む >>

Here’s what your Desktops look like 7

As promised (though admittedly a couple weeks late), here are the pictures of your Desktops. Only two screen shots were sent in and a couple text-only descriptions — not quite the level of… 続きを読む >>

The GUI way of doing things 16

While I like to write software for my own pleasure, sometimes I write programs to be used by other people--meaning I have to implement a user interface. I like the input function for asking simple... 続きを読む >>

Muting breakpoints 11

Debugging is an integral part of my workflow. One thing I continually encounter is the need to quickly disable all my breakpoints. After spending time inserting breakpoints at the right places with... 続きを読む >>

Calling Java from MATLAB 59

So far no one has taken me up on the extra credit from the Interactive Web Pages post. I thought the problem of displaying a figure without an image file was too interesting to pass up, so I figured... 続きを読む >>

What does your MATLAB Desktop look like? (again) 18

Way back in May of 2007, we asked you what your MATLAB Desktops’ looked like. Well, we want to ask you again, but this time Mike and I would also like to ask why your desktop is the way it is…. 続きを読む >>

Interactive web pages in MATLAB, part 4 5

A few weeks ago Ashwin commented on my Interactive web pages in MATLAB series from last year asking about computing data in MATLAB and putting back into a web page. I didn’t take the time back… 続きを読む >>

Fold whatever you want using cells 11

Juliette recently suggested that users should be able to fold whatever code they like. While this is a great feature idea, the MATLAB Editor doesn’t currently support folding arbitrary sections… 続きを読む >>

Using the cell mode toolbar 10

The MATLAB Editor is great because supports many different workflows and user styles. Even though I call myself an advanced MATLAB user, I have long since stopped being surprised when I find out… 続きを読む >>

Changing the error color for visibility 1

We understand that colors in the editor can cause difficulty for some users or with certain display devices. Each release we try to make the MATLAB UI more friendly in this area. For MATLAB R2009a,… 続きを読む >>

Posts 21 - 30 of 51