MATLAB Community

MATLAB, community & more

Posts 1 - 10 of 24

搜索结果: 2017

Community Q&A – Daniel Turizo

Daniel Turizo was one of the first people to complete the Easy and Hard problem sets in the Cody 5 Year Challenge. Daniel is currently pursuing his Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering at… 更多内容 >>

A New Contest: Gerrymandering Commas

Last February, researchers at the University of St Andrews ran a MATLAB programming contest to study how people compete and collaborate online. I’m very happy to report that another such… 更多内容 >>

Generating Insight With Cody Function Clouds 5

One of the things I like about Cody is that it not only encourages you to solve a particular problem, but it encourages you to solve it many different ways. Even better, after you’ve done your… 更多内容 >>

Limited Edition Laurels: Cody is Five!

Do you have what it takes to win this badge?

A badge’s value derives in part from how hard it is to achieve. This right here is one valuable badge. To win it, you need to solve all the… 更多内容 >>

Community Q&A: Manu BN

Manu BN is the author of 14 files on File Exchange including some popular submissions.  Please enjoy this virtual interview with Manu BN

Thanks for agreeing to this interview.  Can you tell us a… 更多内容 >>

Deep Learning and Cody

I want to mention two exciting developments, one last week and one this week.
Last week, image processing blogger Steve Eddins took on the job of writing another blog, this one about deep learning… 更多内容 >>

A Galloping Logo Zoetrope

What is a zoetrope? A zoetrope is a simple kind of animation, first popularized in the 1800s. Take twelve images of a running horse, for example. Paste them on the inside of a cylinder and spin the… 更多内容 >>

Text Alignment, Dinosaurs, and Orators

When we’re creating new pages for our community apps, our designers sometimes add some sample text as part of the review process. More often than not, this means Lorem Ipsum.
Like me,… 更多内容 >>

New in Answers: Top Contributors & Staff

You’re the new kid in school. It’s lunch time.
You got a slice of pizza and a pile of tater tots from the food line, but now you face the biggest challenge yet: where to sit? You need to… 更多内容 >>

Answers Badges Are Here!

Maybe, like me, you got an email this week telling you that you won a badge for your contributions to MATLAB Answers. And maybe, like me, you even won more than one, and all on the same day. The… 更多内容 >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 24

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