Artificial Intelligence

Apply machine learning and deep learning

Posts 61 - 70 of 137

搜索结果: Deep Learning

Scaling your Deep Learning Research from Desktop to Cloud

Implementing multiple AI experiments for head and neck tumor... 更多内容 >>

Painting Music with Artificial Intelligence

Co-authored by Dr Andrew Starkey and Jack Caven Introduction Painting Music is a project we are co-developing in collaboration with visual artist, Kate Steenhauer. We have developed a system... 更多内容 >>

Finding Information in a Sea of Noise 2

The following is a guest post by Dr. Brett Shoelson, Principal Application Engineer at MathWorks For today's blog, I would like to pose a problem:Suppose that you had a lot of data representing... 更多内容 >>

Bias in Deep Learning Systems

A discussion of the film, Coded Bias This post is from Heather Gorr ( to recap her experience watching Coded Bias, with a call to action for everyone reading. Coded bias was recently... 更多内容 >>

Playing Pong using Reinforcement Learning 2

The following post is from Christoph Stockhammer, here today to show how to use Reinforcement Learning for a very serious task: playing games. If you would like to learn more about Reinforcement... 更多内容 >>

MathWorks Is a Leader in the 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms

This is a guest post from Laura Martinez Molera, MathWorks Marketing lead for Machine Learning and Data Science. We’re thrilled to be recognized by Gartner as a “Leader” for the second year in a... 更多内容 >>

Deep Learning Pretrained Models

Recently, I have been writing short Q&A columns on deep learning. I'm excited to share the latest article with you today: All About Pretrained Models. In this post, I'll walk through the first of... 更多内容 >>

Five AI Trends for 2021

It’s that time of year again, when many people look forward to a new year and new trends! At MathWorks, we put a lot of energy and focus on trends for AI to inform product direction that influences... 更多内容 >>

Deep Learning Visualizations

Evaluating deep learning model performance can be done a variety of ways. A confusion matrix answers some questions about the model performance, but not all. How do we know that the model is... 更多内容 >>

Best of 2020

Well folks, we made it. Before we leave 2020 behind for good, I would like to take a moment and recognize some of the most popular posts and new materials created this year. Most Popular Posts of... 更多内容 >>

Posts 61 - 70 of 137