Artificial Intelligence

Apply machine learning and deep learning

Posts 71 - 80 of 137

結果: Deep Learning

Using Deep Learning for Complex Physical Processes 1

Guest Blog by: Peetak Mitra, Dr. Majid Haghshenas and Prof. David P. Schmidt The following is an accepted paper at the Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Machine Learning for... 続きを読む >>

MathWorks at NeurIPS 2020

Post by Shounak Mitra, Product Manager – Deep Learning and AI We are very close to the start of the biggest AI conference of the year! Last year when I left Vancouver after attending NeurIPS 2019,... 続きを読む >>

Deep Wine Designer

This post is another from Ieuan Evans, who brought us Deep Beer Designer, back today to talk about wine! It's a longer post than usual, but packed with useful information for Deep Learning for Text.... 続きを読む >>

New Deep Learning Examples

There are over 35 new deep learning related examples in the latest release. That’s a lot to cover, and the release notes can get a bit dry, so I brought in reinforcements. I asked members of the... 続きを読む >>

What’s new in Machine Learning

This post is from Laura Martinez Molera, Product Marketing Manager for Machine Learning and Data Science, here to discuss Machine Learning latest features.  We have just launched the 2nd release... 続きを読む >>

Multiple-Order Modeling for Accuracy Improvement

The following is a guest post from Mohammad Muquit here to discuss implementing multi-order modeling to improve accuracy of deep learning models. In typical classification problems, deep neural... 続きを読む >>

Diabetic Retinopathy Detection

Post by Dr. Barath Narayanan, University of Dayton Research Institute (UDRI) with co-authors: Dr. Russell C. Hardie, University of Dayton (UD), Manawduge Supun De Silva, UD, and Nathaniel K.... 続きを読む >>

Gartner Peer Insights 2020

MathWorks Named a 2020 Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms We’re excited to announce that MathWorks has been recognized as a Customers’... 続きを読む >>

MATLAB Deep Learning Training Course 4

Developed in Collaboration with NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute MathWorks is pleased to announce a new course that has been developed in collaboration with NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute... 続きを読む >>

Applications in Response to COVID-19: Mask Detection

Today’s post is from Wanbin Song, Application Engineer in MathWorks Korea Office, here to talk about how engineers are reacting to the COVID-19 pandemic with new and innovative applications. Please... 続きを読む >>

Posts 71 - 80 of 137