Mike on MATLAB Graphics

Graphics & Data Visualization


Mike on MATLAB Graphics has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 1 - 10 of 22

Results for: 2015

Interactive Graph Layout

I really like the new graph visualization functions that were introduced in R2015b. I particularly like the various options for laying out the graph so you can get a nice picture quickly and easily.... read more >>

Contour and Infinities

In a recent post, I talked about an interesting edge case in the contour function. Today I'd like to talk about another one. This is how contour handles infinities.Let's start with a simple example.... read more >>

Memory Consumption

Today we're going to look at how MATLAB Graphics uses memory. First we need a way to tell how much memory MATLAB is using. Because I'm using a Windows system, I can use the memory function.... read more >>

On The Edge

In an earlier post, we discussed how the contour functions interpolate between values. Another important issue is how the contour functions deal with contour levels which are exactly the same as values in the input data. Some users are often surprised by what happens in this case because there are some subtle issues involved. Let's take a detailed look.... read more >>

Fill Between

Fill BetweenOne question I'm often asked is how to fill the area between two plotted curves. It is possible to do this, but it involves some details which aren't obvious, so let's walk through what's... read more >>

Homogeneous Coordinates

Homogeneous CoordinatesIn my recent posts about tiling polygons (link1, link2), you might have noticed that I used a rather unusual representation for my coordinates.Instead of having a vector of X... read more >>

What is a Contour?

What is a Contour?Last year we explored how surfaces perform interpolation. Today we're going to take a look at some closely related functions; the contour family. The family of contour functions... read more >>

Tiling Quadrilaterals

Tiling QuadrilateralsLast time I was talking about the new pentagon tiling which was recently discovered. There are lots of other wonderful things to explore in how polygons tile the plane. One of my... read more >>

Type 15 Convex Pentagon

Like most computer graphics programmers, I've always been fascinated by the different types of regular tilings of the plane. There was recently some very big news (NPR, the Guardian) in the tiling... read more >>

Transparency in 3D

Transparency in 3DTransparency is a very useful feature when creating pictures in 3D. But there are a suprising number of things to think about when you're using transparency in 3D.Let's look at a... read more >>

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