In the past few weeks, fake news has been all over the news. The New York Times reported that both Google and Facebook are taking steps to stem the flow of false news and misinformation. In Google’s… 更多内容 >>
In the past few weeks, fake news has been all over the news. The New York Times reported that both Google and Facebook are taking steps to stem the flow of false news and misinformation. In Google’s… 更多内容 >>
Imagine slowly losing your vision. Many people assume it is like having your eyes closed or being in a dark room. But vision loss can take many forms. For Bill Beaver, 70, of Oxford, UK, it meant… 更多内容 >>
Cyber Monday may have surpassed Black Friday last year in terms of dollars spent, but that doesn’t mean that there is a bigger day for brick-and-mortar stores this holiday season. According to The… 更多内容 >>
Engineering students from the Ohio State University Center for Automotive Research (CAR) recently set a world record with their all-electric vehicle. While this is a tremendous achievement, this was… 更多内容 >>
Lola is a fighter. She is also a Kemp’s ridley turtle, the smallest, most critically endangered sea turtle species. She’s faced more than her share of bad luck. First, she was found as a hatchling… 更多内容 >>
You may have heard about the upcoming US election. There’s been a ‘bit’ of news coverage on the subject. Going back to the purpose of the “Behind the Headlines” blog, this post is to… 更多内容 >>
Nothing could really replace Tigger! But Disney did create a one-legged robot that could possibly challenge Tigger in a bouncing contest. This pogobot weighs less than 5 pounds, is about 12 inches in… 更多内容 >>
I’d be willing to bet that if you were asked to list ten uses for your smartphone, you probably wouldn’t include “medical device” in your answer. But as smartphones become increasingly capable,… 更多内容 >>
Imagine traveling twelve years in pursuit of a comet that is streaking along at 24,600 miles per hour only to crash into the comet. Twelve years. 4.9 billion miles. Untold hours of science and… 更多内容 >>
Imagine an antique book with fragile pages and a delicate cover. Museums and collectors need to balance the desire to inspect such a volume with potential damage an examination could cause. Often… 更多内容 >>