We hope 2021 is a better year for everyone and the world! Pick of The Week IndexDetermining next available file nameStephen CobeldickReturns the next unused file or folder name. The name... 続きを読む >>
2020 Index
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- Picks
We hope 2021 is a better year for everyone and the world! Pick of The Week IndexDetermining next available file nameStephen CobeldickReturns the next unused file or folder name. The name... 続きを読む >>
Sean's pick this week is leafpile3d by Nathaniel Barlow and the extended version with drag by Chris Verhoek. Last year I picked leaf pile which generated pretty leaves... 続きを読む >>
Richard is a Consulting Engineer at MathWorks focused on the Embedded Coder product for code generation, primarily in the Aerospace industry. Richard's pick this... 続きを読む >>
Jiro's Pick this week is M&M statistics by Lisa R. Thompson.A common challenge I hear from educators is how to conduct courses that involve experiments or some sort of hardware interactions... 続きを読む >>
Brett's Pick this week is Avoid file overwrite, by Simon Musall.ContentsA cautionary taleavoidOverwriteA cautionary taleSome years ago, I did something so boneheaded that it still pains me to think... 続きを読む >>
Jiro's Pick this week is the new pattern matching capabilities that were added in the newest release, R2020b.I've always had a love-hate relationship with regular expressions. It's a powerful... 続きを読む >>
Will's pick this week is Simulink-to-Stateflow by McSCert. Over the years, I've delivered dozens of talks on Stateflow, a state machine design and simulation environment. If this is a new concept... 続きを読む >>
Jiro's Pick this week is swarmchart, a new visualization function in R2020b.Following Sean's post from last week, I'd like to highlight a new function from the newest release of MATLAB.Many, many... 続きを読む >>
Sean's pick this week is MATLAB R2020b by MathWorks Development. Our fall 2020 release shipped this week. Today, I'll go over some of my favorite convenience... 続きを読む >>
Jiro's Pick this week is Apps For Solid Mechanics by Ephraim Bryski.My day job is supporting educators and researchers (mostly university) make the best use out of MATLAB in their teaching and... 続きを読む >>