Jiro's Pick this week is CountLettersNum by Edgar Guevara.Edgar created this interesting visualization inspired by a blog post by @matthen2. The concept is simple.Start with a number between 1 and... 続きを読む >>
Jiro's Pick this week is CountLettersNum by Edgar Guevara.Edgar created this interesting visualization inspired by a blog post by @matthen2. The concept is simple.Start with a number between 1 and... 続きを読む >>
Jiro's Pick this week is Happy Pi Day by Zhaoxu Liu / slandarer. I'm a couple of days late, but I wanted to highlight this set of cool visualizations by Zhaoxu for Pi Day. It's amazing to see so... 続きを読む >>
Jiro's Pick this week is dabarplot, daviolinplot, daboxplot by Povilas Karvelis.Today, I'd like to highlight a couple of things in this post.Statistical visualization functions"Open in MATLAB Online"... 続きを読む >>