File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Posts 1 - 10 of 661

結果: Picks

Visualizing number of letters in a number 1

Jiro's Pick this week is CountLettersNum by Edgar Guevara.Edgar created this interesting visualization inspired by a blog post by @matthen2. The concept is simple.Start with a number between 1 and... 続きを読む >>

Celebrating Pi Day with cool visualizations

Jiro's Pick this week is Happy Pi Day by Zhaoxu Liu / slandarer. I'm a couple of days late, but I wanted to highlight this set of cool visualizations by Zhaoxu for Pi Day. It's amazing to see so... 続きを読む >>

Statistical visualization functions and “Open in MATLAB Online” 2

Jiro's Pick this week is dabarplot, daviolinplot, daboxplot by Povilas Karvelis.Today, I'd like to highlight a couple of things in this post.Statistical visualization functions"Open in MATLAB Online"... 続きを読む >>

Simulate Home Battery Management System 1

Jiro's Pick this week is Home Battery Energy Management System by Rodney Tan.I met Dr. Rodney Tan at a virtual educator workshop we held last year, and there I learned that he is very active in the... 続きを読む >>

MCmatlab: A Monte Carlo simulation for photon transport in 3D voxel space

Today, I am inviting Temo, who is from the academic discipline marketing team, and he looks after the physics discipline. He will share his Pick from the field of optics.This week's Pick is MCmatlab... 続きを読む >>

Bouncing Rod Simulator 3

Jiro's Pick this week is Bouncing Rod Simulator by Matthew Sheen.As a mechanical engineer, I love simulating physical phenomena. When you have equations of motion, you can easily simulate them in... 続きを読む >>


Will's pick this week is MatCal by Bryan. I'm no archaeologist, but I read a fair number of books that cover the topic. A common point of discussion is the wonder and challenges of radiocarbon... 続きを読む >>

Figures for Dark Mode 2

Jiro's Pick this week is dark mode plot by Natan.Do you work in dark mode? If you do, you need to take a look at this entry by Natan, especially if you make presentations using the dark theme. As you... 続きを読む >>

Random String Utility

Will's pick this week is Random String Utility by Dan Couture. This is an oldie but a goodie. This submission is from 2012 but still works just fine in R2022b (another testament to the... 続きを読む >>

Learning programming through game building

Jiro's Pick this week is AstroVolley Courseware by Paul Huxel.Back in my undergraduate studies (many, many years ago), I took a Pascal programming course, and it was the first official programming... 続きを読む >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 661

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