Responses to reader challenge
Thanks to Kimo Johnson and Perttu Ranta-aho for responding to my custom spatial transformation challenge.
Kimo's submission
Kimo's custom transform turns the football image inside out!
im = imread('football.jpg'); sx = 1.47; sy = 1.6; c2 = 0.14; c3 = 0.07; p1 = 0.25; p2 = 0.125; f = @(x) complex(x(:,1)/sx,x(:,2)/sy); g = @(z) c2*log(abs(z + p1)) + c2*log(abs(z - p1)) + ... c3*log(abs(z + p2*i)) + c3*log(abs(z - p2*i)); h = @(w) [real(w), imag(w)]; q = @(x, unused) h(g(f(x))); tform = maketform('custom', 2, 2, [], q, []); trans = imtransform(im, tform, 'UData', [-1 1], 'VData', [-1 1], ... 'XData', [-1 1], 'YData', [-1 1]); subplot(1,2,1) imshow(im) title('Original') subplot(1,2,2) imshow(trans) title('Transformed')

Perttu's submission
I really don't know how to describe this one.
Notice how Perttu used the 'FillValues' option of imtransform to get the red pixels in the output.
I = imread('');
I'm going to shrink the image a bit so it's not too big for the blog page.
I = imresize(I, 0.5);
clf imshow(I) title('Cute kid!') imcredit('Image courtesy of Perttu Ranta-aho') % MATLAB Central File Exchange

f = @(x) complex(x(:,1),x(:,2)); g = @(z) ((z-1).*(z+1).*(z+.1-2*i).*(z+1+2*i)) ./ ... (power(z+1+i,4)+power(z-1-i,4)); h = @(w) [real(w) imag(w)]; q = @(x,unused) h(g(g(g(g(f(x)))))); tform = maketform('custom', 2, 2, [], q, []); J=imtransform(I, tform, 'UData', [-1.5 1.5], 'VData', [-1.5 1.5], ... 'XData', [0 6], 'YData', [-4 2], 'FillValues', [255 0 0]'); imshow(J)

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