Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Photoshop CS3 Extended – and MATLAB

[Here's a quick note for you, composed and delivered from the lovely confines of Boston's Logan International Airport. Don't worry, I'll get back to my connected components and upslope area topics real soon now.]

Adobe recently announced the new release of Photoshop, called Photoshop CS3. At the same time, they announced an additional Photoshop product, called Photoshop CS3 Extended. According to its product page, Photoshop CS3 Extended "enables you to edit 3D and motion-based content and perform image analysis."

Why should I mention this in a blog about image processing in MATLAB? Because Photoshop CS3 Extended offers a MATLAB interface. Here's how Adobe's John Nack describes it in his blog:

MATLAB integration: It's possible to access Photoshop CS3 Extended directly from the MATLAB command prompt in order to grab image data from Photoshop, use MATLAB to run different image processing routines, and then return the image data to Photoshop to view the results.
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