Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 21 - 30 of 55

Results for: 2008

Dilation algorithms—Introduction 20

Post updated on September 4 based on feedback from Cris Luengo's comment. Today I'm starting a new series covering some of the concepts underlying algorithms for performing morphological... read more >>

Image visualization using transparency 17

Transparent graphics objects can be used effectively to visualize image processing concepts. Two particularly useful techniques are: Highlighting image... read more >>

Filling small holes 3

A MATLAB user recently asked in the MATLAB newsgroup how to fill "small" holes in a binary image. The function imfill can be used to fill all holes, but this user only wanted to fill holes... read more >>

Reading Massively Multipage TIFFs: An Update 17

Last fall I wrote about a complaint some MATLAB users had about reading certain kinds of TIFF files. Specifically, some users have TIFF files that each contain tens of thousands of images—or... read more >>

Image deblurring using regularization 10

I'd like to welcome back guest blogger Stan Reeves, professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Auburn University, for another in his series of posts on image... read more >>

Opening by reconstruction 6

Today I want to show you a morphological operation called "opening by reconstruction." The normal morphological opening is an erosion followed by a dilation. The erosion "shrinks" an image... read more >>

Nonlinear operations using imfilter 9

Some nonlinear image processing operations can be expressed in terms of linear filtering. When this is true, it often provides a recipe for a speedy MATLAB implementation.... read more >>

False-color visualization of binary image object sets 2

Today I want to demonstrate a useful technique to produce a false-color visualization of different sets of binary image objects. Here's the sample image that we'll use: url =... read more >>

Batch processing revisited

Here's a very common question we receive: "How do I process a set of image files in a directory?" I first posted an example illustrating "batch processing" of a set... read more >>

Performance optimization for applylut 2

I thought I would finish my discussion of applylut and makelut by describing a performance optimization we implemented for version 6 (R2007b) of the Image Processing Toolbox.
A couple of years ago,...

Posts 21 - 30 of 55