Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

More R2010a performance improvements in Image Processing Toolbox

Earlier this week I posted some relative speed improvement charts for some functions in the Image Processing Toolbox that got faster in R2010a.

Below are some more charts. I've included applylut, bwulterode, ifanbeam, imclearborder, imdilate, imerode, medfilt2, rangefilt, and stdfilt.

There are other functions that have gotten faster in the last couple of releases, including bwpack, bwselect, cornermetric, decorrstretch, edge, imclose, imopen, imextendedmax, imfill, imhmax, imimposemin, improfile, imreconstruct, imrotate, and imtransform.

performance improvement chart

performance improvement chart

performance improvement chart

performance improvement chart

performance improvement chart

performance improvement chart

performance improvement chart

performance improvement chart

performance improvement chart

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