Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Research study on testing engineering and scientific software

I have posted here several times about MATLAB xUnit, the unit testing framework that I contributed to the MATLAB Central File Exchange. Now I am collaborating with Prof. Diane Kelly (Royal Military College, and Prof. Greg Wilson (University of Toronto, on a study to explore how engineers and scientists test their software, and I'd like to invite you to help.

If you use MATLAB xUnit or a similar unit testing framework to test your MATLAB programs, and if you are willing to let us have a look at the tests you have written and the code that they exercise, please get in touch with us.

Thanks for your help!

Note: This is an academic research study performed under the ethical guidelines of the University of Toronto and the Royal Military College of Canada.
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