Student Lounge

Sharing technical and real-life examples of how students can use MATLAB and Simulink in their everyday projects #studentsuccess

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搜索结果: Simscape

Snake-like Robot Modeling and Navigation

In today’s post,  Bhavik M. Patel from IIT Guwahati shares his approach to model a snake robot and test the model with different control strategies for various environmental conditions…. 更多内容 >>

Climb stairs and shoot the target: A Student Robotics Project!

For this week’s blog post, we invited an ABU Robocon team, BRACT’s Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune to share their journey to winning 3rd place in the MathWorks Modelling Award at DD… 更多内容 >>

High School Students Tackle Mobility Challenges with an Award-winning Innovative Engineering Solution 1

Welcome to our blog post! Today, we have the pleasure of introducing our guest blogger who will be sharing an exciting project called the HANDIWHEEL. This project was developed by a team of talented… 更多内容 >>

Driving Innovation: Simulink Student Challenge 2022 Winner’s Hub Motor Hybrid Vehicle Design

In today’s post, Manjunath speaks with Meng Zhang, the winner of the Simulink Student Challenge 2022. Throughout their conversation, Meng shares his insights and experiences regarding his… 更多内容 >>

Is it a “b” or a “d”? See how a high school student went from having an idea to winning the Engineering Sciences Olympiad!

Today we’re talking to Guillaume Dablin, a student at the University of Technology of Compiègne, France, about how he used his passion for Engineering to find a solution to overcome his learning… 更多内容 >>

Predicting Dynamic Behavior of a Continuously Variable Transmission using MATLAB 1

Todays guest bloggers are Alex Silva da Purificação and Lucas Martins Ricardi from the University o f Brasília – Piratas do Cerrado Baja SAE Team. They will explain how they have utilized MATLAB… 更多内容 >>

Using Physical Modeling to Design and Simulate an Electric Vehicle

Today’s blog post is written by Veer Alakshendra, Education Technical Evangelist on the Student Competition team at MathWorks. In this blog he talks about how to model and simulate an electric… 更多内容 >>

Creating Virtual Robot Environments in Simscape: Adding Physics, Object Interactions, and Autonomy 7

gif of clawbot

This is the second of a two-part blog on creating virtual robot environments in Simscape. If you have not read part 1 yet, we encourage you to check it out here.
In the first half, we discussed… 更多内容 >>

Creating Virtual Robot Environments in Simscape: Assembling Robots and Importing from CAD 6


For the next two blogs Jose Avendano and Matt Schafer collaborated to develop and incremental tutorial on how to use dynamic 3D simulations for robot design and programming. We will be teaching you… 更多内容 >>

How to Win at Formula Bharat using MATLAB and Simulink 3


For today’s post, I would like to introduce you to Raftar Formula Racing from Indian Institute of Technology Madras. They recently won the Formula Bharat 2020 in the combustion category. The team… 更多内容 >>

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