File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Simscape sensing made easy

Jiro's pick this week is Simscape Probes by our fellow MathWorker Tom Egel.

Continuing in the spirit of my previous pick, I would like to highlight another useful Simulink utility for those of you doing physical modeling using our Simscape™ product family. These tools allow you to model physical systems at a component level, rather than from equations. It's very useful when your system starts to get very complicated, like an airplane or a car (yes, our customers use our tools to model whole aircrafts.) Those of you who have worked with physical systems can appreciate the fact that you can take measurements just by placing probes and sensors. Well, you can do that with a simulation model as well. To do that in Simscape, you place an appropriate sensor component, convert physical signals to Simulink signals, and measure.

It's pretty straight-forward once you understand the process, but with Tom's utility, sensing will now become second nature.

In addition to what you see above, he has created a slew of probes for various domains, a utility to group probe signals, and a help file.


Give this a try and tell us what you think, or leave a comment for Tom on the submission page.

Published with MATLAB® 7.9

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