Reverse Singular Value Decomposition 2

- Category:
- Eigenvalues,
- Fun,
- Matrices
High resolution measurements of the depth of the mold for the United States one cent coin provide an interesting data set.... read more >>
ContentsTim DavisSparse Matrix VisualizationsMusic VisualizationsMetastaseisBlue MondayElectrodoodleMorning Has BrokenBach Toccata and FugueNotesArt StudioTim DavisAt the recent SIAM conference on... read more >>
The Tektronix 4081 minicomputer at Argonne National Laboratory in the summers of 1977 and '78 played an important role in the early development of MATLAB.... read more >>
I am surprised when many of the singular values of a nonsymmetric variant of the Hilbert matrix turn out to be nearly equal to π. The explanation involves the Fourier series for a square wave.... read more >>
Magic Stars are a little like Magic Squares. My grandson was introduced to them in his junior high school math class.... read more >>
The Rosser matrix is a classic matrix eigenvalue test problem.... read more >>