How Far Apart Are Two Random Points in a Hypercube?

Two days ago I wrote about random points in a square. At the last minute I added the paragraph asking about the generalization to random points in a cube. I have to admit that I didn't check the Web to see what was known about the question.

Shortly after my post appeared, Pieterjan Robbe of KU Leuven in Belgium submitted a comment pointing out that the problem has been studied extensively. He provided several pointers. The solution even has a name; it's called Robbins Constant. I have listed a few of the references below.


Robbins Constant

Robbins Constant is the value of this six-fold integral.

δ=101010101010(x1y1)2+(x2y2)2+(x3y3)2 dx1dy1dx2dy2dx3dy3

A change of variables makes it a triple integral.

δ=8101010x2+y2+z2 (1x)(1y)(1z) dxdydz

Numerical Integration

Numerical integration with the default tolerances gets about nine decimal places.

   format long
   F = @(x,y,z) sqrt(x.^2+y.^2+z.^2).*(1-x).*(1-y).*(1-z)
   delta = 8*integral3(F,0,1,0,1,0,1)
F =
  function_handle with value:
delta =

Analytic Solution

The exact analytic solution is impressive. I can't explain where it comes from.


Here is the numeric value.

   delta = (1/105)*(4 + 17*sqrt(2) - 6*sqrt(3) + 21*log(1+sqrt(2)) + ...
            84*log(1+sqrt(3)) - 42*log(2) - 7*pi)
delta =

Hypercubes and Vectorize

I also received email from MathWorks colleague Matt Tearle informing me about vecnorm, a new function that is in MATLAB Release R2017b. Unlike the norm function that computes matrix norms, vecnorm treats the elements along a specified dimension as vectors and calculates the norm of each vector. Here is the documentation page.

I don't yet have R2017b on this computer, but Matt's email prompted me to think about vectorizing the simulation, even without vecnorm. While we're at it, let's generalize to d dimensional hypercubes. And, I'll make it a one-liner.

   n = 10000000;  % n samples.
   for d = 1:10   % d dimensions.
      delta = mean(sqrt(sum((rand(n,d)-rand(n,d)).^2,2)));
      fprintf('%6d %7.4f\n',d,delta)
     1  0.3335
     2  0.5215
     3  0.6617
     4  0.7778
     5  0.8786
     6  0.9692
     7  1.0517
     8  1.1282
     9  1.1997
    10  1.2675


Thanks to Pieterjan Robbe and Matt Tearle.


D. P. Robbins, Problem 2629, Average distance between two points in a box, Amer. Mathematical Monthly, 85.4, 1978, p. 278.

D. H. Bailey, J. M. Borwein and R. E. Crandall, Advances in the Theory of Box Integrals, <>.

Johan Philip, The Probability Distribution of the Distance Between Two Random Points in a Box,

Eric W. Weisstein, Hypercube Line Picking. MathWorld, <>.

N. J. A. Sloane, editor, The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, Decimal Expansion of Robbins Constant, <>.

Published with MATLAB® R2017a

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