A report about a possible bug in format bank and a visit to a local hardware store made me realize that doing decimal arithmetic with binary floating point numbers is like tightening a European bolt with an American socket wrench.... 더 읽어보기 >>
A report about a possible bug in format bank and a visit to a local hardware store made me realize that doing decimal arithmetic with binary floating point numbers is like tightening a European bolt with an American socket wrench.... 더 읽어보기 >>
"ULP" stands for "unit in the last place." An ulps plot samples a fundamental math function such as $\sin{x}$, or a more esoteric function like a Bessel function. The samples are compared with more accurate values obtained from a higher precision computation. A plot of the accuracy, measured in ulps, reveals valuable information about the underlying algorithms.... 더 읽어보기 >>
MATLAB Central is celebrating its 15th birthday this fall. In honor of the occasion, MathWorks bloggers are reminiscing about their first involvement with the Web site. My first contribution to the File Exchange was not MATLAB software, but rather a collection of documents that I called the Pentium Papers. I saved this material in November and December of 1994 when I was deeply involved in the Intel Pentium Floating Point Division Affair…. 더 읽어보기 >>
Single and double precision are combined to facilitate a triple precision accumulated inner product.... 더 읽어보기 >>
Iterative refinement is a technique introduced by Wilkinson for reducing the roundoff error produced during the solution of simultaneous linear equations. Higher precision arithmetic is required for the calculation of the residuals.... 더 읽어보기 >>
Wilkinson's polynomials are a family of polynmials with deceptively sensitive roots.... 더 읽어보기 >>
I investigated the reduced penultimate remainder algorithm in an undergraduate research project under professor John Todd at Caltech in 1961. I remember it today for two reasons. First, I learned what penultimate means. And second, it is the most obscure, impractical algorithm that I know. I suspect none of my readers have ever heard of it.... 더 읽어보기 >>