Posts 1 - 10 of 22

結果: Programming

Chaotic Swinging Sticks 2

The Swinging Sticks is a kinetic sculpture that exhibits chaotic motion. The device became very popular after it upstaged Tony Stark in Iron Man 2. My daughter Carolyn gave me a desktop version of Swinging Sticks for Christmas. I immediately set out to simulate it.... 続きを読む >>

Bouncing Bucky Ball at Flipbook Mini Hack

The 2023 MATLAB Central Flipbook Mini Hack contest runs from November 6 until December 3. Over 200 entries have been submitted in the first two weeks.... 続きを読む >>

Three Wordle Assistants 3

When I tackle a Wordle puzzle, I like to make all the key decisions myself. My three assistants set up puzzles and suggest words when I ask for help, but I guide the actual solution. My assistants also make it possible for me to play Wordle anywhere, anytime, even when my laptop is in airplane mode. I don't need the New York Times or access to the Web.... 続きを読む >>

Grafix Users Guide

This is a quick look at Grafix, our tool for exploring matrices via 3-D computer graphics.... 続きを読む >>

An Interactive Version of colorcubes

A 231-character static version of colorcubes in the current MiniHack generated quite a bit of interest. So I am posting the full version, where you can change number of cubes and the view point, at this link.... 続きを読む >>

modfun, A Short Program Produces Impressive Graphics 4

This nifty graphics gem started with a contribution by Paul Villain to the MATLAB 2022 Mini Hack, currently taking place on MATLAB Central.... 続きを読む >>

Qube, The Movie

... 続きを読む >>

Digital Simulation of Rubik’s Cube with Qube 2

This blog post describes Qube, my Rubik's Cube simulator. Source code for Qube is now available in one single file from this link: Qube_osf.m. I will also submit the code to the MATLAB Central File Exchange. As usual, I welcome any feedback.... 続きを読む >>

Rubik’s Cube 2

My recent obsession with cubes in this blog has led me back to Rubik's cube, perhaps the greatest mathematical puzzle of all time.... 続きを読む >>

The Menger Sponge, Complement and Associate 2

A few months ago, I had never heard of Karl Menger or the cube-like fractal that he invented. Now I have this long blog post about the sponge, and an extension that I am calling its "associate".... 続きを読む >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 22