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New and Updated Desktop Features in R2008b

R2008b (version 7.7) is here! With it comes a host of great new features and updates to MATLAB. Below, I’ve called out some of my favorite new and updated Desktop features.

Be sure to let us know what you think of these new features!

Function Browser
The Function Browser lets you search for functions based on name and their help contents. This tool was designed to dovetail into your workflow so that you needn’t switch windows to search for a function. You can access the Function Browser from both the Command Window and Editor by pressing the button.

Function Hints
Function Hints lets you view the syntax for a function in a popup window while you’re entering the function into the Command Window or Editor. This feature, like the Function Browser, was designed to fit into your workflow and help minimize switching between windows.

Current Directory
We’ve revamped the Current Directory Browser which now contains an address bar and details view. Common functions (e.g. New Folder, New File) can be found under the Actions button (I think this really helps to de-clutter the UI).In the details view you’ll see more information about the selected item. For MATLAB files this will include functions, cells and properties. For MAT files, you’ll see their contents, so you no longer have to load the file before seeing what’s inside of it.

Help for User-Created Classes
You can now run the doc function on your own MATLAB Classes, which will open the documentation for your class right in the Help Browser.

Default Desktop Layout
We’ve updated the default Desktop layout to use three columns and we’ve rearranged where some components are by default. We think this new layout will help streamline your workflow.To try the new layout, select Desktop > Desktop Layout > Default.
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