MATLAB Answers for MATLAB questions
At the beginning of this year, when we launched MATLAB Answers, Garth and Doug blogged to tell the world about our latest addition to MATLAB Central. Since then, over 17,000 people have contributed and have accrued some MATLAB Answers “reputation”! There have been so many really great questions and answers made by our community members on MATLAB Answers.
I thought it would be fun to spotlight contributions by some of our community members in this post.
Our MATLAB Answers Editors
Walter Roberson and Matt Fig have both become MATLAB Answers Editors by reaching a reputation of 1500. If you have posted questions on Answers, it is likely that you have received a response from one of them since between them, they have posted over 2500 answers! Now, with their new roles, they are able to help improve usefulness of our library of questions and answers by editing content to make them more understandable and relevant. Thanks, Walter and Matt, for all your work making MATLAB Answers an awesome place for everyone!
How to Use MATLAB Answers
Speaking of making questions and answers more readable, have you read Oleg Komarov‘s tutorial on how to ask a question (on Answers) and get a fast answer? He has some great ideas on different ways you can look for solutions before posting your question. You can also check out community responses to Ned Gulley‘s question “How do I write a good question for MATLAB Answers?” for more ideas. Remember that if you can present your question clearly, specifically stating where you are encountering problems and what you have done to troubleshoot, you are more likely to get a response from other members of the community. Give these questions a read!
By the way, if you are a student, there’s a related post by Doug Hull about how to ask for help with your homework questions. :-)
If you’ve had someone help you out by answering your question, you know how great it feels that someone has taken the time to help you. Take a moment to accept an answer. This is a great way to say “thank you” to the fellow community member. Pay it forward by jumping in and sharing your MATLAB knowledge with others by answering some questions.
Just for Fun
Community members have shared their own insights in a series of questions and answers that are sure to put a smile on your face. Do any of their experiences remind you of things that you experienced?
- Misery does so love company! You’ll feel better knowing that even experienced MATLAB users still make mistakes. Dumb mistakes we make with MATLAB by Matt Fig
- Short and sweet – Andrew Newell asked folks to share their favorite MATLAB one-liners
And don’t forget to check out Matt Fig’s Hump Day puzzles!
- Hump-day puzzler – Unknown Function
- Hump-day Challenger – MATLAB Indexing
- Hump-day challenger – Recursion
A big thank you to everyone who has participated in MATLAB Answers. Your efforts are what make the MATLAB Central community such a cool place to hang out.
Until next time, see you online!
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