MATLAB Community

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Introducing MATLAB Examples

This week, guest-blogger Wendy Fullam is trumpeting the arrival of a new Support page feature. Wendy is the Technical Marketing Product Manager for MathWorks online support and website search program.

MATLAB Examples

by Wendy Fullam

Have you ever found yourself thinking, “I wish there was a place where I could go to see a bunch of MATLAB examples…”?

MathWorks has just what you’re looking for. We just launched a big new feature on the Support page: MATLAB Examples. On it, you can discover thousands of code examples for MATLAB and Simulink: data manipulation, signal processing, machine learning, statistics, finance, computational biology, finance, you name it. Maybe you’ll even discover a few things that you didn’t know were possible.

MATLAB Examples is a single destination to find high-quality code examples, including those authored by both MathWorks staff and contributors to the File Exchange. Here’s what the main page looks like.


What can you do here?

You can browse by topic area:


You can search by keyword, and filter the results:


After finding an example that you want to use, you can quickly see what product contains that example:


or access the code:


You can also find related examples:


The Help Team at MathWorks hopes you enjoy the new interface and welcomes your thoughts and reactions. Check out the new area and then let us know what you think in the comments below!

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