MATLAB Community

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The Next Contest: Short Movies!

If you visit the Community Contests page, you'll see there have been three different "Mini Hack" contests. These are games where you get a little text area for some MATLAB code that makes cool pictures. A miniature editor where you hack. Hence the name: Mini Hack. Get it? These contests have run during the month of October in each of the last three years, which means we're due for a new one. And right on schedule, here it comes!

Entries shown by Sebastian Kraemer (2021), Jenny Bosten (2022), and Tim Marston (2023).

In our first two contests, you got 280 characters with which to make fancy graphics. Last year we added a new dimension: time. Your job was to make a small 48 frame animation. Some of those little movies were absolutely amazing. They were so amazing that we wanted more. And bigger and better! This year, we're increasing the frame count to 96 images and we're adding sound. So hop in there and make some noise!

The next contest starts on October 7. The grand premiere of your new MATLAB movie will follow shortly after that.

Learn more here: MATLAB Shorts Mini Hack

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