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Results for: Debugging

Speed Up Your GUIs With Profiling 6

I bet most of the people that use the MATLAB Profiler run their code through the little “Run This Code” box at the top of the Profiler UI. When you do this the profiling happens only for… read more >>

Debugging Points 2

Every so often we’re lucky enough to have a customer come visit MathWorks and talk to us about his or her MATLAB experience. This week one such user gave us a great presentation of his image… read more >>

Speeding up your program through Profiling 6

I was originally going to write about about a minor feature of the MATLAB Profiler, but while skimming through the archives here, I realize we haven’t really talked much about profiling at all!… read more >>

R2009 in review 7

We’ve had a fantastic year with new and improved features in MATLAB R2009a and R2009b. Let’s take a walk down memory lane…
On the MATLAB desktop
2009 was a big year for our power… read more >>

Using Run Configurations for Debugging 2

Astute readers may notice that this blog has once again changed name. Ken has moved out to California to work for Apple and we wish him the best of luck there. In his honor, I'm going to highlight... read more >>

The history of keyboard shortcuts in MATLAB 16

I’d like to welcome guest blogger Christina Roberts from the MATLAB Editor team. Christina was the lead developer on the configurable keyboard shortcuts feature.

My last post gave an overview…

Configurable keyboard shortcuts have arrived 25

I’d like to welcome guest blogger Christina Roberts from the MATLAB Editor team. Christina was the lead developer on the configurable keyboard shortcuts feature.

R2009b has a new feature that…

MATLAB-Emacs integration is back 37

I'd like to welcome guest blogger Eric Ludlam from the MATLAB Graphics team. Little Things Back in April of this year, Mike wrote a Desktop Blog article stating that it's the little things... read more >>

Muting breakpoints 11

Debugging is an integral part of my workflow. One thing I continually encounter is the need to quickly disable all my breakpoints. After spending time inserting breakpoints at the right places with... read more >>

Visual debugging with Linked Plots 1

I’d like to welcome guest blogger Ken Atwell from the MATLAB Technical Marketing team. Ken will occasionally be blogging here on the Ken & Mike on the MATLAB Desktop blog.

Linked plots…

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