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搜索结果: Preferences

MATLAB Startup Accelerator 2

Another new feature of MATLAB R2011b is the Startup Accelerator, which improves MATLAB startup time on Windows by caching important files that MATLAB needs to properly launch. This is done through a… 更多内容 >>

MATLAB Toolbox Path Caching 3

One aspect of the MATLAB search path is the toolbox path cache. When your program calls a MATLAB function, the interpreter needs to know where to find the code associated with that function. Rather… 更多内容 >>

Downloading Keyboard Shortcut Sets in R2010b

Configurable keyboard shortcuts were introduced in R2009b. By using the Keyboard Shortcut preference panel, it is possible to modify the desktop’s default keyboard shortcuts and save them as a… 更多内容 >>

Automatic Variable Highlighting 19

Another new feature in the MATLAB R2010b Editor is the automatic highlighting of variable and subfunction names. Highlighting a variable or subfunction usage is easy, just click on any variable or… 更多内容 >>

New and Updated Features in MATLAB R2010b 11

Even though our 6-month releases are well scheduled, it always feels like they sneak up on me. Well, MATLAB R2010b is available now. There are lots of great new features in there, including a few… 更多内容 >>

Command-Line Preferences 4

I received some criticism regarding my post about using shell command because it wasn’t very Desktop-y. The way I see it, the MATLAB Environment includes a broader picture of everything going… 更多内容 >>

Comparing Keyboard Shortcut Sets

This week I’d like to welcome back guest poster, Christina Roberts, to describe R2010a enhancements to Keyboard Shortcut customization.
We introduced the desktop keyboard shortcut manager in MATLAB… 更多内容 >>

The Preferences folder: matlab.prf 5

Continuing my discussion on the MATLAB Preferences folder, today’s article is about one particular file in that folder. (Remember you can find the folder location with the prefdir command)…. 更多内容 >>

R2009 in review 7

We’ve had a fantastic year with new and improved features in MATLAB R2009a and R2009b. Let’s take a walk down memory lane…
On the MATLAB desktop
2009 was a big year for our power… 更多内容 >>

The Preferences Directory 3

There are lots of ways a computer program can store user settings. In MATLAB we use a series of different files in a special per-release directory that is in a standard platform-specific place on... 更多内容 >>

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