Artificial Intelligence

Apply machine learning and deep learning

Learning Deep Learning at Home

Or Learning in the time of Coronavirus
After multiple online meetings and virtual conversations, I’ve learned there are many ways people are dealing with suddenly working from home. My unproven theory is people fall somewhere on this spectrum:
I would categorize a really low desire as, “I don’t want to start anything new, let’s just try to get through this.” And a really high desire as, “I have more free time than I used to, I should learn something new!”
My personal weekly journey looks something like this:
If and when you are looking to learn new things, I’ve compiled a list of deep learning resources. Below is a range of deep learning resources that can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 3 hours depending on what you're looking for. I've compiled blog posts, examples, videos and full courses (all free) and categorized into different groupings I thought made sense.
Deep Learning Resources

List of Selected Blog Posts

Blog Post Title Author Link
Scene Classification Using Deep Learning Guest Post: Oge Marques, Florida Atlantic University link to post
Deep Learning Examples from 19b Johanna Pingel link to post
Deep Beer Designer** Ieuan Evans, MathWorks Documentation link to post
Cam Visualizations Johanna Pingel link to post
Deep Learning for Signal Processing Frantz Bouchereau, MathWorks Development link to post
Neural Network Feature Visualization Maria Duarte Rosa, MathWorks Advanced Support link to post
     **Deep Beer Designer is most popular post of all time
Training and Learning Material (Beginner to Advanced)
Get started with MATLAB and Deep Learning in less than 60 minutes
Category Title Duration Type Link
Phase 1: Technical Computing Getting Started with MATLAB 7 minutes Video Link
Phase 1: Technical Computing Working in the Development Environment 6 minutes Video Link
Phase 1: Technical Computing Analyzing and Visualizing Data with MATLAB 4 minutes Video Link
Phase 2: Deep Learning Deep Learning Introduction 12 minutes Video Link
Phase 2: Deep Learning Deep Learning in 11 Lines of MATLAB Code 3 minutes Video Link
Phase 2: Deep Learning Getting Started with Deep Learning Tutorial 18 minutes Video Link
Phase 1: Technical Computing Live Editor Cheatsheet -- Cheatsheet Link
Phase 2: Deep Learning Deep Learning Cheatsheet -- Cheatsheet Link
Hands-on training
Get started with MATLAB and Deep Learning with these free hands-on tutorials
Category Title Duration Type Link
Phase 1: Technical Computing MATLAB Onramp 2 hours Hands-on tutorial Link
Phase 2: Deep Learning Machine Learning Onramp 2 hours Hands-on tutorial Link
Phase 2: Deep Learning Deep Learning Onramp 2 hours Hands-on tutorial Link
Deep learning Deep Dive
Get started with Deep Learning with these interactive videos and tutorials
Title Duration Type Link
Deep Learning Introduction 12 minutes Video Link
Deep Learning in 11 Lines of MATLAB Code 3 minutes Video Link
Getting Started with Deep Learning Tutorial 18 minutes Video Link
Deep Learning Onramp 2 hours Hands-on tutorial Link
Deep Learning Cheatsheet -- Cheatsheet Link
For those looking for an even deeper dive there is instructor-led and self-paced training available for machine and deep learning.
Interesting tutorials in documentation
Getting Started with Semantic Segmentation Using Deep Learning Introduction to Deep Learning for Audio Applications
A 4-part tutorial on using deep learning to segment and label images Learn how to develop audio applications with deep learning typically by creating and accessing data sets, preprocessing and exploring data, developing predictive models, and deploying and sharing applications
Interesting Examples
Image Captioning Using Attention Networks Neural Style Transfer Using Deep Learning
Learn how to train a deep learning model for image captioning using attention. Apply the stylistic appearance of one image to the scene content of a second image.
We normally use pictures in documentation taken by people working at the company, so now I’m on a mission to figure out whose dog this is.
Speech Command Recognition Using Deep Learning Train DQN Agent to Balance Cart-Pole System
Learn how to train a deep learning model that detects the presence of speech commands in audio. Learn how to train a deep Q-learning network agent to balance a cart-pole system modeled in MATLAB.
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