Today we're going to look at how MATLAB Graphics uses memory. First we need a way to tell how much memory MATLAB is using. Because I'm using a Windows system, I can use the memory function.... read more >>
Mike on MATLAB Graphics has been archived and will not be updated.
Today we're going to look at how MATLAB Graphics uses memory. First we need a way to tell how much memory MATLAB is using. Because I'm using a Windows system, I can use the memory function.... read more >>
Object Creation PerformanceBack in January, we looked at the performance of creating a graphics object with a lot of data. Today we're going to look at what is basically the opposite problem. What... read more >>
Last time we looked at how the performance of MATLAB's graphics system scales with the number of data points. Another interesting lens to look at performance scaling with is the way that performance... read more >>
Performance ScalingGraphics performance is a complex and interesting field. It's one my group has been spending a lot of our time working on, especially as we designed MATLAB's new graphics system.... read more >>
PretriangulationAn interesting question went by on MATLAB Answers the other day. I've simplified it a bit here, but it looked something like this:rng(0) cla nfaces = 5000; nsides = 6; nframes =... read more >>
After my post about using MATLAB Graphics from Simulink, Aditya had a great question about using this technique for 3D animations. This is a really interesting area, and I really wanted to use a 3D example for that post. Unfortunately I couldn't come up with one that was simple enough to fit into that blog post. But if you do decide to explore this area on your own, or even if you're doing 3D animations without Simulink, there are some tricks you should probably know about.... read more >>