Some of us like to take it pretty easy here during the week between Christmas and New Years Eve. In that spirit, I don't want to trouble anybody with the mental effort of downloading and running... 続きを読む >>
Some of us like to take it pretty easy here during the week between Christmas and New Years Eve. In that spirit, I don't want to trouble anybody with the mental effort of downloading and running... 続きを読む >>
I really like the idea of showing simple examples very well. This week's pick does that by showing animations of several classical dynamic systems, these are systems we all should remember from... 続きを読む >>
MATLAB has a lot of good examples in the documentation, but you can never have enough of them. A healthy amount of my job is to produce custom demos for potential customers. When I can, I do these... 続きを読む >>
With the Image Acquisition Toolbox, it is now possible to stream live video into MATLAB, using devices ranging such as a web cam, FireWire video camera, or analog camera hooked up to a framegrabber.... 続きを読む >>
OK, I'm breaking the number one rule that Doug and I set up for our submissions - I'm picking my own file. Hey, it's my forum, so I guess I can do what I want! I have been using a couple of... 続きを読む >>
People have been making full-fledged applications in MATLAB for quite a while, and that is becoming even easier because the MATLAB compiler now works for the entire MATLAB language. A big... 続きを読む >>
Sliceomatic was an early pick here at pick of the week. Here is another tool, Orthogonalslicer, that does a similar job, but in a different way. This tool lets you look at the slices orthogonally... 続きを読む >>
This week's pick by Michael Kleder uses Java to determine if a number is prime. I liked this because it quietly makes use of Java. I rarely get a chance to program in Java, so when I saw this I... 続きを読む >>
This is a great animated clock made in MATLAB, and I chose it for several reasons: 1) Tim made use of some new R14 language features like nested functions; this makes argument passing easier to do... 続きを読む >>
At a MathWorks conference Doug and I attended last week, there was a lot of talk about SAVEPPT - Mark Brown's submission that automatically creates PowerPoint documents from MATLAB figures and... 続きを読む >>