File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Structure Explorer

The suggestion for this week's entry comes to you from my new friend Aldo Caraceto. Aldo provides tech support for MATLAB in Italy, and has lately been sharing some of his favorite File Exchange submissions with Doug and me. Aldo recently told me about Hassan Lahdili's EXPLORESTRUCT, which provides very nice capabilities for navigating through structures. EXPLORESTRUCT provides a hierarchical tree view of your structures, which can be more convenient than the multiple-window approach of MATLAB's array editor for structures. It also embeds basic plotting, so you have the capability to view the contents of your structure either as numbers or as a plot. Aldo also mentioned that this makes a great complement to a POTW Doug made last month - ToSavedWorkspace, which saves the contents of your workspace to a structure. Aldo sent me this screenshot which shows how he uses these two submissions together:  
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