File Exchange Pick of the Week

Our best user submissions

Posts 11 - 20 of 53

結果: 2010

Protecting your Confidential Files 6

Jiro's pick this week is cryptAES by Jan Simon. I do a lot of things in MATLAB, and if I could make it wash my dishes, I would. Perhaps one of these days, I should venture ... 続きを読む >>

Automatically Connect Sink Blocks To Existing Simulink Signals

For today's post, Brett and Jiro welcome guest blogger Greg Wolff. Greg's pick of the week is SinkAutoConnect by Mike Anthony. Many of you are aware that you can connect a Single-Input... 続きを読む >>

Two Amigos: The contest is over, and the results are in! 4

Contents Recap Five Entries Corey ... 続きを読む >>

Be Notified 1

A Special Announcement Today marks the official deadline for entries to the Two Amigos challenge. Next week, Brett promises to unveil his own solution to the problem. To date, unfortunately,... 続きを読む >>

Wise Goto Block

Greg's Pick this week is "Wise Goto-Block", by Markus Baranyai. NOTE: Today's Pick comes to us from guest blogger Greg Wolff. This is Greg's first Pick; we're hoping there will be many... 続きを読む >>

Sorting Structure Arrays based on Fields 5

Jiro's pick this week is Nested Struct Sort by Jake Hughey.MATLAB has a nice function sortrows to sort matrices (numeric or cells) based on specific column(s). I use it often when I am doing some... 続きを読む >>

Figures for Presentation

Jiro's pick this week is fixfig by Matt Hopcroft. When I'm not writing blogs or coding MATLAB, I'm often on the road showcasing MATLAB to many users (new and experienced). ... 続きを読む >>

Two Amigos? 9

Last week, we bade adieu to Bob Bemis --our long-time collaborator on the Pick of the Week blog. We've had the same thumbnail image associated with this blog for a couple years now;... 続きを読む >>

A Tribute to Our Friend and Colleague 4

In this week's Pick, we deviate somewhat from our "standard" format to say goodbye to our friend, co-worker, and collaborator Bob Bemis. Bob has co-written the Pick of the Week blog... 続きを読む >>

Get HTML Table Data into MATLAB 4

Bob's pick this week is Get HTML Table Data into MATLAB by Jeremy Barry. Lots of web pages have tabulated data. Suppose you want to grab some data to... 続きを読む >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 53

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