Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 21 - 30 of 597

Loren Shure and the Art (and History) of MATLAB 1

The one and only Loren Shure has just announced her retirement from MathWorks. I met Loren in early 1993 at the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing in... read more >>


It's March, and you know what that means --- that's right, the "a" release is here!On most work days, I use several different MATLAB versions, mostly development builds, on 2-3 different computers.... read more >>

A Short Game of Life 5

I have written here, as well as in Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, about using image processing operations to implement Conway's Game of Life. MATLAB creator Cleve Moler has written about... read more >>

Visualizing out-of-gamut colors in a Lab curve 7

I was looking today at an old post, "A Lab-based uniform color scale" (09-May-2006). I wanted to provide an update to illustrate that it is easier to convert from Lab to RGB colors now than it was... read more >>

Peaks, Peak Filtering, and Gray-Scale Weighted Centroids 5

Today, I'm continuing my recent theme of thinking about peak-finding in images. When I wrote the first one (19-Aug-2021), I didn't realize it was going to turn into a series. This might be the last... read more >>

Small-Peak Suppression with the H-Maxima Transform 3

Last time, I introduced the idea of a regional maximum. Today, I want to add a concept that makes the regional maximum more useful: suppressing very small local maxima, possibly present only because... read more >>

Local maxima, regional maxima, and the function imregionalmax

A recent algorithm discussion on the Image Processing Toolbox development team reminded me of something I originally wanted to do a long time ago: explain imregionalmax and some related operations.... read more >>

Use less meshgrid and repmat 2

The functions meshgrid and repmat have a long and rich history in MATLAB. Today, I'll try to convince you to use them less.meshgridThe function meshgrid is typically used to take a vector of... read more >>

Use imbinarize to Threshold Gray-Scale Images

Today, I want to convince you to use imbinarize instead of im2bw.Background: I recently saw some data suggesting that many Image Processing Toolbox users are still using im2bw, an old function that... read more >>

NaN Sightings 2

Some of us at MathWorks like to share our "NaN sightings." Here is an example to show what I mean. This is a screenshot of the tuner/metronome app that I use when practicing music. One day, I was a... read more >>

Posts 21 - 30 of 597

These postings are the author's and don't necessarily represent the opinions of MathWorks.

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