Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

MathWorks product release: R2006a

The MathWorks released a new product line update last week. The new release is called R2006a, thus marking the end for releases named R12, R13, R14, etc.

Some of you may have noticed that The MathWorks has been releasing "service packs" approximately every six months since R14. The term service pack was appropriate for R14 Service Pack 1, but later releases included new features and even introduced new products into the product line. Also, the company now has two years of experience with releasing every six months, and we have decided to continue this practice for the foreseeable future. For these and other reasons, we've changed our release naming scheme. New releases will be named R2006a, R2006b, R2007a, etc. The MathWorks web site has a page that gives more details and background on this change.

Readers of this blog may be interested in the product updates below.

  • MATLAB 7.2
  • Image Processing Toolbox 5.2
  • Image Acquisition Toolbox 1.10
  • Mapping Toolbox 2.3
  • Video and Image Processing Blockset 2.1

  • print


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