Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

R2010b – More Image Processing Toolbox changes

In my October 15 post I mentioned some Image Processing Toolbox performance improvements in the R2010b release. Today I want to mention other improvements in the release.

There is a new corner function to supplement the existing cornermetric function. The corner function applies a peak-detection method to the output of cornermetric.

There are several improvements related to processing very large image files. The blockproc function now supports writing to JPEG2000 files, and it also has new options for controlling padding behavior at the image edges. You can also now extend both blockproc and rsetwrite to support custom image file formats by writing your own ImageAdapter class.

The toolbox function dicomread now reads multiframe imagery faster, and it now supports files containing images compressed using JPEG2000.

Next week I plan to do one or two more posts on R2010b. In particular, there's big news for the Image Acquisition Toolbox. I'll also mention MATLAB features that especially caught my eye.

Published with MATLAB® 7.11

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