Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 11 - 20 of 45

Results for: 2011

Binary image convex hull 1

I've been intending to mention a new function bwconvhull that was introduced in the Image Processing Toolbox last spring in the R2011a release. Now that R2011b is out, I figure I better... read more >>

Digital image processing using MATLAB: reading image files 1

Today's post is part of an ongoing tutorial series on digital image processing using MATLAB. I'm covering topics in roughly the order used in the book Digital Image Processing Using... read more >>

Dealing with “Really Big” Images: Image Adapters 5

I'd like to welcome back guest blogger Brendan Hannigan, for the third in a series of three posts on working with very large images in MATLAB. ... read more >>

Engineering education and MATLAB – a personal perspective 7

Earlier this week I received a text message from my oldest son, who just started his second year at Northeastern University. He wrote to tell me that he’ll be using MATLAB in one his classes. I don’t... read more >>

“Area opening” terminology question 11

An experienced user of our products recently told us we got it wrong when we named bwareaopen. This function removes foreground objects from a binary image that are smaller in area than a given... read more >>

Digital image processing using MATLAB: digital image representation 4

Today I'm starting an regular, occasional series with tutorial material on digital image processing using MATLAB. I'm going to look at topics in roughly the order used in the... read more >>

Blog comments and e-mail 2

I just realized that it's been more than three years since I explained the way I handle comments on this blog. It's probably time for an update as many readers are new since then. I moderate... read more >>

Dealing with “Really Big” Images: Block Processing 17

I'd like to welcome back guest blogger Brendan Hannigan, for the second in a series of three posts on working with very large images in MATLAB. Contents ... read more >>

Dealing with “Really Big” Images: Viewing 10

I'd like to welcome guest blogger Brendan Hannigan, a MathWorks developer who worked on improving our set of large-image tools over the course of several releases. Contents ... read more >>

Five years ago: March and April 2006

Much of the information I posted in this blog years ago is still useful today. Image processing theory hasn't been completely overturned since then, and I'm still talking about MATLAB after... read more >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 45