Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 11 - 20 of 29

Results for: 2015

Moving the origin of a structuring element

A customer contacted Tech Support recently to ask the following question about structuring elements and dilation:If I created a structuring element from the matrix [1 1; 1 1], then the origin of the... read more >>

Ellipse visualization and regionprops 2

A blog reader asked me recently how to visualize the ellipse-based measurements computed by regionprops. The reader wanted to superimpose the estimated ellipses on the image.To refresh your memory:... read more >>

Out-of-gamut colors 4

The set of colors that can be represented using a particular color space is called the gamut. Some L*a*b* color values may be out of gamut when converted to RGB. You know that a converted RGB color... read more >>

iPhone and Android sensor measurements

Here's something cool to try ... I just downloaded the MATLAB Support Package for Apple iOS Sensors and the latest MATLAB Mobile app for my iPhone. So the first thing I did was throw and catch... read more >>

Typecast got faster in R2014b 2

Some years ago we added the function typecast to MATLAB. I've been wanting to write about this useful little function ever since we significantly speeded it up in the R2014b release.The function... read more >>

MATLAB, Simulink, and the New Horizons Mission to Pluto 1

[This post has been updated on 04-Sep–2015 to describe the use of Simulink in the flight control system design and implementation. I’d like to thank Jon Friedman for providing this... read more >>

Get the MATLAB code 2

Last week someone asked me how many people use the “Get the MATLAB code” link on my blog. Do you know what that is? Try it now. Go to my recent post, “Displaying a color gamut... read more >>

New Horizons arrives at Pluto tomorrow 1

Image credit: NASA/JHUAPL/SWRI The New Horizons spacecraft reaches its closest approach to Pluto tomorrow! Check out NASA TV for the countdown starting at 7:30 AM (America/New York),... read more >>

ICIP 2015 4

I'm starting to get ready for ICIP in September. I'll be giving a talk about MATLAB on Monday, September 28. Go to the Tutorials and Workshops page and click on "MATLAB Today" for details. I... read more >>

New image batch processor app in R2015a 6

Nine years ago I wrote a blog post showing how to do batch processing of image files. That is, I showed how to use MATLAB to perform the same operation on a bunch of image files in a particular... read more >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 29

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