When working on the "Color Image Processing" chapter of DIPUM3E, I found myself often wanting to display square blocks (or swatches) of color, like this: Eventually, I wrote a function,... read more >>
Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.
When working on the "Color Image Processing" chapter of DIPUM3E, I found myself often wanting to display square blocks (or swatches) of color, like this: Eventually, I wrote a function,... read more >>
The 3rd edition of Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB (DIPUM3E) has just been published, at long last. The new edition includes extensive new coverage of image transforms, spectral color models,... read more >>
Today I will show you how I plotted this treble clef symbol in MATLAB: My discovery and implementation process for doing this involved Unicode characters, SVG files, string processing, Bezier curves,... read more >>