Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB

Image processing concepts, algorithms, and MATLAB


Steve on Image Processing with MATLAB has been archived and will not be updated.

Posts 11 - 20 of 597

Using Active Contour Automation in the Medical Image Labeler

Woo hoo! The Image Processing Toolbox team has just created a new product:Medical Imaging Toolbox™Shipped with the R2022b release a couple of months ago, this product provides apps, functions,... 更多内容 >>

New Geometric Transformation Matrix Convention in R2022b

In the R2022b release, Image Processing Toolbox includes several new geometric transformation objects, such as rigidtform2d, affinetform3d, etc., that use the premultiply matrix convention instead of... 更多内容 >>

Update for Code Trace for MATLAB

About a month ago, I posted about my Code Trace for MATLAB tool, which is posted to GitHub and the File Exchange. This tool is useful for exploring and troubleshooting executing MATLAB code. I... 更多内容 >>

Double Thresholding

Back in June, my answer to a question on MATLAB Answers used a technique called double thresholding, also known as hysteresis thresholding. Although the question raised was a 1-D problem, I wanted to... 更多内容 >>

Code Trace for MATLAB 9

Today's post departs from image processing, my usual subject. Instead, I want to tell you about something that I just put up on GitHub and the MATLAB File Exchange.Earlier this year, I was debugging... 更多内容 >>

Puzzle Pieces and Polyshapes

color segmentation, opening by reconstruction, boundary tracing, polyshapesEarlier this summer, Cleve sent me this picture of a puzzle.He asked for tips on turning the individual "cheese slices" into... 更多内容 >>

How to use IMSPLIT to split a color image into component images 2

Today I want to show you a handy little function, imsplit, for splitting color images into their components.Also, for no reason other than WOW, I want to show one of the images just released by the... 更多内容 >>

Find all the highest pixel values using ismember 2

Today's post shows how to use ismember to conveniently locate all of the highest pixel values in an image. For example, in the following Hough transform image, what are the 20 highest values, and... 更多内容 >>

More experiments with sRGB gamut boundary in L*a*b* space 3

I'm still playing around with RGB gamut calculations in Lab space. (See my last post on this topic, "Visualizing out-of-gamut colors in a Lab curve.") Today's post features some new... 更多内容 >>

Puzzles About GIF DelayTime

[TLDR: To create a fast GIF animation using imwrite, use a DelayTime of 0.02 instead of 0.]In my 28-Feb-2022 post, I showed some code that created an animated GIF file using a DelayTime of =... 更多内容 >>

Posts 11 - 20 of 597

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