Student Lounge

Sharing technical and real-life examples of how students can use MATLAB and Simulink in their everyday projects #studentsuccess

Posts 1 - 10 of 37

搜索结果: Education

Farewell Summer 2024 Interns!

Today we’re joined by Aimee Everest who is a part of the College Recruiting team at our UK office.. Over to you, Aimee…

As we say farewell to our Summer 2024 Interns, andbegin preparing… 更多内容 >>

Robots vs Humans in Soccer, and thereon…

In today’s post, Jose Avendano joins us to talk about RoboCup. Over to you, Jose..
Robotics applications can be incredibly varied and different; they range from simple automation tasks to elaborate… 更多内容 >>

High School & Sixth Form Students Tackle Real-World Issues with Math Modeling


MathWorks Math Modeling (M3) Challenge is a contest for high school juniors and seniors. The challenge has been around since 2006 and has been open to student participants in the US, but this year we… 更多内容 >>

How to Win: Conversations with MathWorks Minidrone Competition Winners

photograph of prizes

Today, we will talk to various teams from around the world who participated in the MathWorks Minidrone Competition! They will share their thoughts on their experience about working with Simulink… 更多内容 >>

Where Are They Now? – Manas R Das, Whirlpool Global Technology & Engineering Center


Today we are talking to Manas R Das from Whirlpool Global Technology & Engineering Center. Manas studied Systems & Control Engineering at IIT Bombay, and graduated in 2019.

What did you… 更多内容 >>

Create Your Own Fitness Tracker with MATLAB Online and MATLAB Mobile 1

workflow chart

Are you looking for something fun to try using MATLAB? Did you know you can use MATLAB Mobile and MATLAB Online to create your own fitness tracker? If you want to learn more you can download the code… 更多内容 >>

Student Ambassador Communities Helping Students Learn MATLAB at a Distance 1


Today’s blog is written by Owen Paul, Student Ambassador Technical Program Specialist at MathWorks. 
As universities transitioned to distance learning across the world, having… 更多内容 >>

Simulink Student Challenge Winners 2019

This week’s post is by Owen Paul, who works on the MathWorks Student Competitions Program team.
Many companies are using Simulink particularly in the fields of automotive, robotics, and… 更多内容 >>

How to Win at Formula SAE using Simulink 2

Todays guest bloggers are Erin, Matt, Kattly, Greg, and Andrew of the McGill Formula Electric team at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. They’ll explain their success story and why… 更多内容 >>

5 ‘How To’-Videos using MATLAB and Simulink

In today’s post Lauren Tabolinsky will share 5 short videos to help you get started using our tools.   We want to keep this playlist updated with new examples so please share your thoughts on what… 更多内容 >>

Posts 1 - 10 of 37

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