Student Lounge

Sharing technical and real-life examples of how students can use MATLAB and Simulink in their everyday projects #studentsuccess

Posts 21 - 30 of 62

다음에 대한 결과: MATLAB

SAE AutoDrive II – Y1 MathWorks Simulation Challenge Winners

In this blog, Akshra will showcase the 1st and 3rd place winners of the MathWorks Simulation Challenge award for the SAE AutoDrive II Year 1 competition, and how they used MATLAB and Simulink to… 더 읽어보기 >>

American Solar Challenge at MIT

In today’s post, Sam Reinsel joins us to talk about the MIT Solar Electric Vehicle team. Over to you, Sam..

Today’s blog is a follow up on a post I made last year on the American solar… 더 읽어보기 >>

MATLAB Student Ambassador Achievement – Simon Thor

Today we are congratulating MATLAB Student Ambassador- Simon Thor from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. As a current MATLAB Student Ambassador, Simon has just received the Anders Wall scholarship… 더 읽어보기 >>

Sibling Duo Share How Participating in Student Competitions Drives Interest in STEM Careers

Today we’re talking to Atiksh Bhardwaj from Allen High School and Aristaa Bhardwaj from Ereckson Middle School who competed in BEST Robotics. Atiksh was part of the Ereckson team between 2016 and… 더 읽어보기 >>

Building Regression Models: A Tutorial for the WiDS Datathon 2022

Hello! I am Grace Woolson, an Application Support Engineer at the MathWorks. We are excited to support the Women in Data Science Datathon 2022 by providing complimentary MATLAB… 더 읽어보기 >>

6 Popular “How-To” Videos to Learn MATLAB

In today’s post, Owen Paul joins us to share some of the most popular YouTube videos on MATLAB’s “How-To” Playlist for beginners to help you get started on your MATLAB… 더 읽어보기 >>

AVL Racing Models Shock Absorbers for Race Cars

Today’s guest bloggers are Marco Scheiber and Eduardo Gimenez from AVL Racing. They are here to talk about the modeling of shock absorbers for race cars.

Recently, a… 더 읽어보기 >>

Roll Center Calculator App with MATLAB App Designer

Nice to meet you, I am Nobu the technical lead for  Formula SAE Japan.
The other day, I created an app for Formula Student teams that automatically calculates the position of the roll center using… 더 읽어보기 >>

Where Are They Now? – Christopher Musco, New York University

Today we’re talking to Christopher Musco who previously competed in the MathWorks Math Modeling Challenge and is now an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at New York… 더 읽어보기 >>

Read the Room – Hacks for the Virtual Classroom

This past year has brought about some fundamental changes in the way education is imparted – video calls, online group projects, funky virtual backgrounds, not being able to catch up on that… 더 읽어보기 >>

Posts 21 - 30 of 62