Christmas Greetings 2019
Inspired by Patsy and
type xmas_2019.m
function xmas_2019 % Christmas greetings. set(gcf,'pos',[800 200 420 315]) clf axis([0 1 0 1]) axis off for k = 1:3 [x,y] = base(k); patch(x,y,gray) [x,y] = edge(k); flame(k) = patch(x,y,'w'); end gif_frame('html/xmas_2019.gif') for k = 1:50 r = randi(2,1,3)-1; j = randi(3,1,1); if norm(r) > 0 flame(j).FaceColor = r; gif_frame end end gif_frame('reset') close function [x,y] = base(k) xo = [.33 .45 .57]; ys = [.38 .30 .44]; x = xo(k) + .10*[0 1 1 0 0]; y = ys(k)*[0 0 1 1 0]; end function [x,y] = edge(k) xo = [.33 .45 .57]; yo = [.38 .30 .44]; e = [2 0 0 2 3]; x = xo(k) + .01*[e 5 10-fliplr(e)]; y = yo(k) + .08*[0:4 5 4:-1:0]; end function g = gray g = [.5 .5 .5]; end end
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