I introduced Sonic in my blog post last month. Today I will use Sonic to add sound to the graphics from three old posts, the vibrating L-shaped membrane, the Recamán sequence and the chaotic behavior of the Swinging Sticks.... 続きを読む >>
This is post number 300 of Cleve's Corner blog. The first post was on June 6, 2012, which is 600 weeks ago. So, I have averaged one post every two weeks for over a decade. The posts were more frequent in the early days and are less frequent today.... 続きを読む >>
(The January 5 posting was premature and incomplete.)... 続きを読む >>
I am giving a five-minute talk today, May 26, at the virtual seminar on Complexity of Matrix Computations. Here are my slides. Two new MATLAB functions, tred and imtql, instrumented to count flops, are available in symeig.m.... 続きを読む >>
Computing Eigenvalues of Symmetric MatricesSee revision.Get the MATLAB code (requires JavaScript) Published with MATLAB®... 続きを読む >>
Recently, I had email from a student in Italy.... 続きを読む >>
While I was working on my posts about Pejorative Manifolds, I was pleased to discover the intriguing patterns created by the roundoff error in the computed eigenvalues of triple Kronecker products.... 続きを読む >>
In an unpublished 1972 technical report "Conserving confluence curbs ill-condition," Velvel Kahan coined the descriptive term pejorative manifold. In case you don't use it in everyday conversation, pejorative means "expressing contempt or disapproval."... 続きを読む >>
The QR algorithm is one of the world's most successful algorithms. We can use animated gifs to illustrate three variants of the algorithm, one for computing the eigenvalues of a nonsymmetric... 続きを読む >>